Geek Feminism Wiki

The second year of PyConAU. This year had diversity grants available for 2 women, covering registration and travel costs. There was also a Women in Python breakfast in the style of Girl Geek Dinners.


Not known.

There was a code of conduct which was announced each day of the conference and was also enforced.


Reportedly 35 of ~300 were women, ~10%. This is an increase from 5% the previous year.

(This seems about right to me - pfctdayelise)


2 of 3 keynotes were by women:

Of the regular program, 2 presenters of 24 (31 total sessions excluding 2 panels) were women:

  • Katie Bell - Teaching Python to the young and impressionable
  • Brianna Laugher - Zookeepr: Home-grown conference management software