Female speakers[]
- Kristen Accardi, "Everything I Needed to Know to be a Successful Linux Kernel Developer I Learned in Kindergarten"
- Mitchell Baker, "Mozilla Firefox and the Internet as an Open Platform"
- Christy Canida, "Open Source Hardware"
- Danese Cooper, "Who Gets to Decide What Open Source Means?", "Art of Community"
- Dawn Foster, "Art of Community"
- Victoria Gromova, "New Parallel Programming Tools for a Multicore World"
- Leslie Hawthorn, "A Year of Open Source at Google"
- Amy Hoy, "Hello? Is There a User in the House?", "Prototype and Object.prototype: JavaScript Power Tools", "When Interface Design Attacks!"
- Denise Kalos, "Leveraging Developer Networks as a Competitive Weapon"
- Dru Lavigne, "Applying Open Source Methodology to IT Examinations"
- Penny Leach, "Mahara: Putting Thought into ePortfolios"
- Rachel Madsen, "Exploiting Multicore Capabilities from Python"
- Emma McGrattan, "Databases Don't Matter"
- Stormy Peters, "Open Source Data … It’s Changing Your Life"
- Lisa Phillips, "Change Your Car's Tires at 100 mph", "Keeping Your Workers In Line: Use TheSchwartz"
- Nandini Ramani, "RIA Platforms and Open Source"
- Laura Thomson, "PHP and MySQL Best Practices"
- Beth Tibbitts, "The Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform"
- Brenda Wallace, "PHP Add-ons for Fun and Profit"
- Mimi Yin, "Open Design, Not by Committee"
21/263 = 8%