Geek Feminism Wiki

System Administration[]

System administration is the profession of working with and managing computing, and sometimes networking, infrastructure for an organization


The number of women in system administration has been slowly growing (& once I can get my hands on the surveys I can find the real numbers) but they are still a minority.


Many of the issues surrounding women in system administration are similar to those of women in computer science and engineering.

Encouraging Women System Administrators[]

In the past there have been Women in System Administration Birds of Feather groups at various conferences (such as the USENIX LISA conference).

Notable Women System Administrators[]

  • AEleen Frisch (Consultant and Author, "Essential System Administration")
  • Elizabeth Zwicky (Author, "Building Internet Firewalls")
  • Amy Rich  (Sysadmin and Q&A columnist for former Sysadmin magazine)
  • Lois Bennett (Sysadmin, League of Professional System Administrators board member & former chair of the LOPSA Education committee)
  • Christine Deffaix Rémy (GNU/Linux - UNIX Development specialist at Ociensa Technologies, and author at ENI Editions(fr))
  • Christine Hogan (co-author of The Practice of System and Network Administration, all editions)