This page catalogs examples of technical conferences with few or no women speakers.
No women speakers[]
- 2007
- C4[1] (Mac developer conference)
- 2008
- C4[2]
- Fronteers Conference (CSS and JavaScript)
- @media Ajax
- Future of Web Design New York
- Silicon Valley Ruby Conference
- Highland Fling (Web development)
Single woman speaker[]
- The Golden Gate Ruby Conference had a single female speaker in 2009
- MSC Malaysia Open Source Conference had a single technical female speaker in 2009 (although a total of 4 speakers out of 68 for 6%)
- JavaScript Conference 2009 in Washington DC had one female speaker out of 17 total (~6%), although hers was the only non-technical talk at the conference (0%).
Low percentage (<25%)[]
- OSCON has had 8%-9% women speakers between 2007-2009, though some portions (eg. Ignite) have a higher percentage (see below).
- SAGE-AU 2009 looks to be around 10%
- Flashbelt 2009 had 5(?) women speakers out of 38, or about 13%
- Open Source Bridge 2009 had 21%
- Web 2.0 Expo 2009 had just under 20%
- ETech 2009 had 21.7%
- 2008 had 13 speakers of 71, 18% and 2009 had 9 women speakers of 82, 11%.
- OSDC Australia 2006 had 7 women speakers of about 51 (14%), 2007 had 7 women speakers out of about 59 (12%), 2008 had 5 out of about 62 (8%). 2009's schedule is not final yet but sits at 3 out of about 38 (8%)
High percentage (>25%)[]
The following conferences have had a relatively high percentage of women speakers:
- HICKTech had approx 50% women speakers in 2007(?)
- Gnomedex 2009 has 50% women speakers
- Ignite at OSCON 2009 had approx. 50% women speakers, though OSCON overall runs around 8%.
- Ohio LinuxFest in 2010 had about 34% women speakers
- DjangoCon Europe 2016 had 54% women speakers, including invited keynotes