Some OSCON2011 speakers are subscribing to a voluntary code of conduct by copy and pasting the text below into their bio on the website.
- As a speaker at OSCON I believe we should all strive to create a fun, educational, enjoyable and harassment-free conference experience for everyone.
- I'm pleased to say Tim O'Reilly thinks so too!
- If you are being harassed, or witness harassment please report it to venue security, the police, the conference organisers or a trusted friend. You do not have to put up with it.
- For more detail on what a code of conduct which includes an anti-harassment policy should contain, please review the geekfeminism wiki conference anti-harassment policy template
This text only snippet contains the links in OSCONs markdown format.
For Speakers[]
As a speaker at OSCON I believe we should all strive to create a fun, educational, enjoyable and harassment-free conference experience for everyone. I'm pleased to say Tim O'Reilly "thinks so too!": If you are being harassed, or witness harassment please report it to venue security, the police, the conference organisers or a trusted friend. You do not have to put up with it. For more detail on what a code of conduct which includes an anti-harassment policy should contain, please review the "geekfeminism wiki conference anti-harassment policy template":