Geek Feminism Wiki

Some OSCON2011 speakers are subscribing to a voluntary code of conduct by copy and pasting the text below into their bio on the website.

As a speaker at OSCON I believe we should all strive to create a fun, educational, enjoyable and harassment-free conference experience for everyone.
I'm pleased to say Tim O'Reilly thinks so too!
If you are being harassed, or witness harassment please report it to venue security, the police, the conference organisers or a trusted friend. You do not have to put up with it.
For more detail on what a code of conduct which includes an anti-harassment policy should contain, please review the geekfeminism wiki conference anti-harassment policy template

This text only snippet contains the links in OSCONs markdown format.

For Speakers[]

As a speaker at OSCON I believe we should all strive to create a fun, educational, enjoyable and harassment-free conference experience for everyone. 

I'm pleased to say Tim O'Reilly "thinks so too!":

If you are being harassed, or witness harassment please report it to venue security, the police, the conference organisers or a trusted friend. You do not have to put up with it.

For more detail on what a code of conduct which includes an anti-harassment policy should contain, please review the "geekfeminism wiki conference anti-harassment policy template":