About this document[]
Most employers and professional organizations have codes of conduct or other rules governing the behavior of their employees or members, as do many conferences. Most of them want to hear if someone is not following those rules and are eager to take reports of harassment. Finding out who to report harassment to may be difficult, so this page collects known contacts for reporting harassment by employees or members of organizations.
Read Reporting harassment for more information about how to report harassment and considerations about whether to report harassment. Do not pressure victims of harassment to report, as it can expose them to further harassment and other serious consequences.
This page does not cover reporting harassment by users of services like email, online games, or Twitter. However, it does cover reporting harassment by employees of the organization that runs those services, such as in-game moderators, sales representatives, and computer programmers.
Science fiction and fantasy publishers[]
Jim C. Hines collects and publishes a list of contacts for reporting sexual harassment in science fiction and fantasy.
Technology companies[]
- Intel (contact needed)
- Red Hat: General contact form (more specific contact info needed)
- IBM (contact needed)
- Google (contact needed)
- Oracle (contact needed)
- Microsoft
- HP (contact needed)
- Twitter (contact needed)
- Facebook (contact needed)
- Yelp (contact needed)
- Mozilla: Dino Anderson - dino@mozilla.com (Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines)
- Salesforce: Ethicspoint (includes phone numbers)
- Linux Foundation: info@linuxfoundation.org (General contact info)
- (add company here, with or without contact)
Technology press[]
- (add company here, with or without contact)
Entertainment companies[]
- (add company here, with or without contact)